[Amps] FCC Denies Expert Linears' Request for Waiver of 15 dB Rule

Steve Bookout steve at nr4m.com
Wed Dec 28 22:54:04 EST 2016


Well said.

I am continually amazed at how many hams have ZERO desire to learn 
anything about the hobby.

I have tried for years at the local club level, to be an 'Elmer', and be 
available to share my knowledge and experiences with others.  With ONE 
exception, no one cares.  Just give them their UHF/VHF and they're 
happy.  Not much difference from CB radio.

73 de Steve, NR4M

On 12/28/2016 10:42:PM, Mark Bitterlich wrote:
> I have something to say on this.  For 47 years, I have worked for the 
> Government supporting Electronic Warfare Aircraft. What has that got 
> to do with any of this?  Simple.  Overall basic knowledge.  The 
> ability to troubleshoot.  The grasp of fundamentals that means a Ham 
> operator, ANY ham operator can read postings on this list and have 
> just a general grasp of what is being said, and if not, the desire and 
> where-with-all to ask questions of another ham operator to explain it.
> Quote: "Many hams have interests other than building - they are not 
> lesser Hams."   Actually what you really meant to say here is that: 
> "There is no such thing as a lesser ham".  I totally disagree.  There 
> is.  We are not all "equal".  I am not as knowledable as many that 
> post on this list.  That is why I am here, to LEARN.   I am not here 
> to make sure I don't hurt anyone else's "feelings".  The Liberal Left 
> is done with that gents.  Get used to it.  Hams are NOT all "equal".  
> Not even slightly, not even at all. Everyone of us has more to learn 
> and the first thing is to admit that.
> I came up in the world of ham radio where I was a total boot.  I knew 
> less than nothing.  I knew it, other hams knew it, I accepted it.  So 
> what did I do about it?  I admitted it.  I asked questions.  I sought 
> to learn, I looked for knowledge.  I wanted to be ACCEPTED by others 
> as being worth being talked to.
> Quote: "Your license says Amateur Radio Operator, not Engineer or 
> Technician or Homebrewer."
> That is just total horse manure.  Your Amateur Radio License gives you 
> the PRIVILEGE of making engineering decisions, to make technical 
> design changes, to homebrew all manner of things.  This is not only 
> encouraged, it is expected.  To be less than this is to fall back into 
> the group referred to as Citizens Band radio operators.  Yes, CB 
> radio.  Where many hams came from, where many feel that they should be 
> respected for what they did back "in the day".  Horse Hocky.
> It is NOT: "To each his own".  It is about EARNING a privilege. It is 
> to FURTHER each persons knowledge.  It is about MAKING A DIFFERENCE, 
> and it is NOT about respecting others for doing nothing other than 
> passing an FCC exam.
> My personal desire is to further my understanding of high powered 
> amplifiers.  Even though I deal with amps running thousands of watts 
> at 18 GHz on a daily basis, I don't brag about it, because I did not 
> design them, I only repair them.
> "To each his own".  Of course, totally politically correct.  But not 
> for me. If you want my respect, you have to earn it.  If you don't 
> care whether you get any respect or not, you really need to get back 
> to Channel 19 and good luck with that.  Many folks enjoy that without 
> a second thought.
> My advice?  Build something.  Blow it up.  Watch the flames and smoke 
> come out.  Ask others why that happened.  Be a HAM RADIO OPERATOR.
> Mark Bitterlich
> WA3JPY ... an Extra Class Operator and still learning every single day.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Turner" <dezrat at outlook.com>
> To: "Amps group" <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 9:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] FCC Denies Expert Linears' Request for Waiver of 
> 15 dB Rule
>> ------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------(may be snipped)
>> On Wed, 28 Dec 2016 16:34:11 -0500, David wrote:
>>> Many Hams have interests other than building - they are not lesser 
>>> Hams.
>> I agree. Your license says Amateur Radio Operator, not Engineer or
>> Technician or Homebrewer.
>> To each his own.
>> 73, Bill W6WRT
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