[Amps] FCC Denies Expert Linears' Request for Waiver of

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Wed Dec 28 23:41:00 EST 2016

Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 03:37:23 +0000
From: Ken K6MR <k6mr at outlook.com>
To: "Amps at contesting.com" <Amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] FCC Denies Expert Linears' Request for Waiver of

The FCCs ?War on CB Amplifiers? has been as effective as the DOJs ?War on Drugs?.  And, just like the drug dealers are making a fortune, the CB amplifier suppliers are doing quite well.
The FCC (like the DOJ) will never admit they were wrong to initiate the ?war? in the first place.

Ken K6MR

##  The FCC admitted......in QST, years ago,  that they had given up entirely on cb  / 11m  enforcement.   They don’t have a budget for it anyway. 
Ok, is the 15 db gain limitation for 12+10m, or the lower bands as well ???

Jim  VE7RF 


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