[Amps] Impressive solid-state 1.5 kW amp

Kevin Stover kevin.stover at mediacombb.net
Sat Feb 27 18:59:42 EST 2016

He's also the founder and developer of the AN Wireless line of self 
supporting towers.
Nobody can argue the quality of those towers, period. This is a start up 
and we should probably cut them some slack.
A 1.5KW, brick on the key, 10:1, auto-tuner is going to cost north of 
$1K whether it's internal or external.
The devices are rated for 300W output from 1 - 150MHz so I don't 
understand the power drop on 6m.

On 2/26/2016 7:20 AM, Larry Dighera wrote:
> The amp looks good from the CGI images, but it is what isn't said/shown that is
> disturbing.  Why is the image of the "Revolutionary" user interface so small as
> to be unreadable?  Although implied, I find no mention of the word 'autotune.'
> What would you give for actual high-resolution photographs of the interior of
> the amp?  You'll find significantly more information about the first iteration
> of the amp (tubes) in the Spring 2013 Dedicated RF newsletter here:
> <http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs141/1111187925496/archive/1111961943958.html>,
> and summer 2013 here:
> <http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs141/1111187925496/archive/1114540809007.html>.
> Interesting 2012 thread here ostensibly concerning legacy Commander / "Palstar
> company: <http://www.eham.net/ehamforum/smf/index.php?topic=80173.0>.
> I did find a photograph of Dan Simmonds (KK3AN), former trucker and apparent
> developer of the amp, here: <http://www.anwireless.com/>.  Others here:
> <http://www.kk3an.com/alaska2010.html>.  He is apparently also a member of this
> mailing list: <http://lists.contesting.com/_amps/2013-01/msg00094.html>.

R. Kevin Stover
FISTS #11993
SKCC #215
NAQCC #3441

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