[Amps] "Conventional" current flow

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Mon Nov 21 16:49:14 EST 2016

> For example, consider two detectors, one at each
> opposite tangent to the earth from the collision.  That should yield a time
> delta of exactly zero?
> Paul, W9AC

And what about the Chinese and Russians ?   Was The Continental US  
just lucky to be on the side of the wave and from which direction was  
it coming ?  As large as this chirp must have been, maybe it was a  
moon echo chirp or if not , why wasn't a moon bounce chirp also heard ?

I'm skeptical that an event eons ago just happened to arrive on our  
side of the sphere at the right time.   I suggest that when looking  
for a "chirp", anything that looks, sounds, or smells like a "chirp"  
provides research grants for years to come.


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