[Amps] Acom 2000A - typical output power?
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Sep 17 14:15:33 EDT 2016
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 11:29:09 -0600
From: MU 4CX250B <4cx250b at miamioh.edu>
To: Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net>
Cc: "amps at contesting.com" <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Acom 2000A - typical output power?
The Alpha 9500 comes with somewhat noisy Gigavac vacuum relays. It's
very easy to retrofit them with Jennings RJ1a relays, which are very
quiet, have no contact bounce, and are faster. Ive done the conversion
and am very pleased with it.
Jim w8zr
## when did gigavac QC go all to hell ? I have been using their relays
since they 1st went into business... with zero issues so far. ( GH1 + G2)
## Originally eons ago, Alpha used the Jennings RJ1A... then switched
to the KILOVAC HC-1..which had far better, more robust internal guts..lasted
a lot longer..esp when used in QSK mode.
## Gigavacs version is called a GH1. They worked superb, not noisy,
and same or better contact bounce as a Kilovac. The gigavac version also high
pot tested higher than the jennings + kilovac.
## wonder if they had a bad batch..or have gone cheap some where ?
On a side note, the Gigavac G2 can be sped up, using the RC hot shot method, which
is just an overvoltage + small, think it was 2 uf cap, across the drop resistor. Aprx
2.6 msecs operate + release..which is quick enough for QSK. ( rated at 15 msecs operate /
9 msecs rls). On qsk, you dont have to copy everything the other guy is sending,
just enough to know you are doubling with him.
## If any of these vac relays are semi shock mounted, that too, will quiet them down. I dont
like qsk mode, so rarely use it, personal choice, drive me nuts listening to band noise between
dots and dashes....so any relay noise is a moot point..with or without headphones.
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