[Amps] Acom 2000A - typical output power?
MU 4CX250B
4cx250b at miamioh.edu
Sat Sep 17 20:59:54 EDT 2016
The two Alpha 9500s I worked on each had two Gigavac G41C relays.
They're fine, rugged relays, rated at higher power than the RJ1A, but
are significantly noisier and slower (5uS typ). The relays I tested
showed multiple contact bounces, whereas the Jennings relays showed
none. I know there is a Gigavac version of the Jennings RJ1A, but I've
never used one.
Jim w8zr
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 17, 2016, at 1:49 PM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:
> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 11:29:09 -0600
> From: MU 4CX250B <4cx250b at miamioh.edu>
> To: Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net>
> Cc: "amps at contesting.com" <amps at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Acom 2000A - typical output power?
> The Alpha 9500 comes with somewhat noisy Gigavac vacuum relays. It's
> very easy to retrofit them with Jennings RJ1a relays, which are very
> quiet, have no contact bounce, and are faster. Ive done the conversion
> and am very pleased with it.
> 73,
> Jim w8zr
> ## when did gigavac QC go all to hell ? I have been using their relays
> since they 1st went into business... with zero issues so far. ( GH1 + G2)
> ## Originally eons ago, Alpha used the Jennings RJ1A... then switched
> to the KILOVAC HC-1..which had far better, more robust internal guts..lasted
> a lot longer..esp when used in QSK mode.
> ## Gigavacs version is called a GH1. They worked superb, not noisy,
> and same or better contact bounce as a Kilovac. The gigavac version also high
> pot tested higher than the jennings + kilovac.
> ## wonder if they had a bad batch..or have gone cheap some where ?
> On a side note, the Gigavac G2 can be sped up, using the RC hot shot method, which
> is just an overvoltage + small, think it was 2 uf cap, across the drop resistor. Aprx
> 2.6 msecs operate + release..which is quick enough for QSK. ( rated at 15 msecs operate /
> 9 msecs rls). On qsk, you dont have to copy everything the other guy is sending,
> just enough to know you are doubling with him.
> ## If any of these vac relays are semi shock mounted, that too, will quiet them down. I dont
> like qsk mode, so rarely use it, personal choice, drive me nuts listening to band noise between
> dots and dashes....so any relay noise is a moot point..with or without headphones.
> Jim VE7RF
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