[Amps] Acom 2000A - typical output power?

Mark Bitterlich markbitterlich at embarqmail.com
Tue Sep 20 22:01:27 EDT 2016

Thank you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 1:40 PM
Subject: [Amps] Acom 2000A - typical output power?

> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 20:02:04 -0700
> From: Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> To: Amps Amps <amps at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] FW: Acom 2000A - typical output power?
> On Sat,9/17/2016 5:35 PM, Mark Bitterlich wrote:
>> And if I may, I've always had tremendous respect for FCC rules and
>> regulations, but that said, comparing a gent who has Rhombics facing
>> each cardinal direction fed with 1500 watts, compared to some poor
>> soul with a dipole running his home brew pair of 4-1000's or even a
>> 3CX10000..... No, it is not legal... but when trying to bust the
>> pile-up,  I get it.  Just sayin.
> The FCC Rules say "Output Power", NOT ERP (except on 60M).  How can you
> say you have "tremendous respect for FCC rules" and then say you run
> illegal power when you think you need to?  :)  The Rules encourage us to
> build better antennas. And how many "gents" do you know with ANY
> Rhombic, let alone Rhombics in multiple directions? Even one Rhombic
> takes a lot of real estate! IMO, this sort of thing is mostly urban
> legend and rumor -- the "oft-repeated lie" that is taken as truth. Or
> maybe I've led a sheltered life.
> I've worked a fair number of DXpeditions with 5W, some of them pretty
> rare.  My highest gain antenna is the smallest 3-el SteppIR. I also run
> legal limit in contests where I'm seriously competing. :)
> 73, Jim K9YC
> ## More stupid rules.  1.5 kw into an 80M yagi up 200 ft is OK..
> but 5 kw into a dipole is a no no.   What do you mean by...encourage us
> to build better antennas ?   Are you talking about the fellows with the
> 6 over 6 over 6 over 6  on every band, or the folks with  stacked yagis
> on 40M ?   So the...rules are slanted towards folks with loads of real 
> estate,
> and deep pockets, and loads of resources.   Who ever has the most 
> $$$,wins.
> ##  I mean, really, who cares how you go about achieving ERP.   Sure the
> 5 kw amp doesnt do anything for you on RX...but at least it works on TX,
> and on all bands....unlike monoband yagis.
> ##  You cant work em if you cant hear em.   Well I say you cant work em
> if they cant hear you!
> ##  Your 3-el SteppIR is a good yagi....esp since you have it up 120 feet,
> and live in the mountains, on acreage, and where its  dead quiet and you 
> can hear
> a pin drop...on all bands   Try the same yagi, on a postage stamp sized 
> city lot, and only up 35
> feet...with plenty of noise.    160m on a city lot is a riot, anything 
> less than S9+ cant be heard.
> Switchable 160M  RX arrays  dont work.... they are always pointed at a 
> noise source.
> Of course then I get the dumbass  who will rant on about his wonderful 
> 1000 ft long beverage,
> and suggest to me.... why dont you put one up ?   Sure buddy, I will just 
> run it through 8-10
> of my neighbours backyards.
> ##  You dont even want to know about urban legend and rumour, because its 
> not.
> When the little guy gets stomped on long enough....he has only so many 
> options left..
> and winning the power ball isnt one of them.   Back in 1969-1970, folks 
> running a
> SB-220, in CW mode, driving a  HB  4x5 tube, with the screen + grid 
> strapped to ground
> to make a high mu triode..then  into RG-17...was normal..at least here on 
> the west coast.
> Nothing has changed since, I know all the players.   3 x 4-1000s  was not 
> out of the norm,
> and pairs of them  was standard procedure.   These days, its all metal 
> tubes.  5-10-25 kw
> bird /coaxial dynamics slugs still fly off the shelves.  Ok, end of rant.
> Jim  VE7RF
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