[Amps] New Amplifier

Bill Turner dezrat at outlook.com
Mon Apr 10 17:55:41 EDT 2017

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On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 16:31:36 -0500, someone wrote:

>A tube by comparison 
>can generally be abused for a relatively long period of time and not suffer 


Well, if you're into abusing, tubes are for you. Just don't drop one
on a cement floor, be sure to keep the filament voltage within
tolerance and resolder the filament pins of your 3-500Z every now and

On this group I often see "where can I get such-and-such tube?"  I
rarely ever see "where can I get such-and-such transistor?".

Years ago I remember reading a newspaper article which said that from
then on, all US military equipment would be solid state as much as was
possible. As far as I know, that still holds. 

73, Bill W6WRT

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