[Amps] Mobile Amps ?

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri Apr 14 11:49:50 EDT 2017

I am thinking of upgrading my mobile station from 100w to something more.
500-600w minimum.

At one time there seemed to be more choices available to the mobile ham but
now about the only choice seems

to be the Ameritron ALS-500. At $1350 CDN + 15% tax and then shipping,
(making it about $1600 CDN) it's not cheap for a 350-400w (CW) amp.


I don't mind paying for quality, but what scares me more about this amp are
some of the less than glowing reviews.


In my limited research I've found:

(RM Italy seems like lower power and some are illegal in NA)

(SGC no longer making the power cube I don't think)

(THP out of business)


What else is out there? 




Mike VE9AA..VE9AA/m


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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