[Amps] SS amps watercooling

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 16:19:44 EST 2017

On 16/02/17 06:00, Big Don <bigdon39 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Water-cooled amps HEALTH TIP --
> There are enough ways to *electrocute* yourself playing with amps
> without having leaked water spraying everywhere....
> Don  N7EF

Watch out driving your diesel car as well - you DO realise that the fuel 
pressure in those is around 40,000 psi?

That's obviously highly dangerous and drivers should be degreed 
engineers at least, and it goes without saying that women and children 
should definitely not be within a few hundred feet of a dangerous 
scenario like that!

Or just maybe, non-retard hams can securely fit a hose on a 4psi system 
around 50 volts DC.


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