[Amps] Questions on Alpha 8410

Fern Rivard crc at cyberlink.ca
Tue Feb 28 19:28:08 EST 2017

Hi Mike:  Make sure that you throttle back the output on the FT-1000D to only 40/50 watts or the amp will trip out.
Fern  VE7GZ

-----Original Message----- 
From: Mike & Becca Krzystyniak 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 11:01 AM 
To: amps at contesting.com 
Subject: [Amps] Questions on Alpha 8410 

Greetings Thermionic Sages,

    I'm looking at an Alpha 8410 for a friend that is exhibiting what I
consider a weird problem. 

    This amp is 2 weeks old and worked fine until two days ago.
    On SSB, legal limit out in a casual round table, after a little time
transmitting the amp faults and trips out. 
    It resets in about 4-5 seconds and then works for awhile before the same
thing happens.

    The exciter is a FT-1000D. Does this amp need ALC?

    Is there an accessible fault table or software application that read out
the faults and might give a clue?

   Thanks in advance.

73  Mike K9MK/5

PS: On a side note, I know Alpha changed hands but are they still in

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