[Amps] Decline of homebrewing?

Bill Turner dezrat at outlook.com
Thu Jan 5 03:36:41 EST 2017

It occurs to me that one could have some fun and make a few bucks
homebrewing coax cable assemblies. I would suggest using crimp style
PL-259 connectors and making up a variety of lengths. You cold sell
them at your local club, hamfests, on eHam or eBay, etc, etc. Learn
how to do a really professional job and get a good reputation and the
world will beat a path to your door. 

I would seal them with adhesive type heat shrink tubing. Also be aware
that there are two different sizes  of center conductors in the RG-213
style coax, the difference being only a few thousandths, but critical
for a good crimp. IMHO a properly done crimp is better than soldered,
especially where vibration or flexing will happen, such as outdoors,
hanging off an antenna. 

Just a thought - have fun!

73, Bill W6WRT

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