[Amps] 4 wire EBM Papst fan but without using PWM

Ron Youvan ka4inm at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 19:20:21 EST 2017

    Conrad PA5Y wrote:

> I have a couple of EBM-PABST 3254J/2H3P fans which have a 4 wire
> interface. I do not want to use PWM and while they run with just the
> positive and negative DC voltage applied they tend to change speed in a
> random way when I run my amplifier without the PWM and tach wires
> floating. How can I ensure that the fan runs properly without using PWM?
> Can I just tie the PWM input high via a resistor and ignore the tach
> connection?



   Ron  KA4INM - Youvan's corollary:
                 Every action results in unwanted side effects.

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