[Amps] Amps FS at Shelby

Tim O'Rourke W4YN w4yn at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 24 09:48:22 EDT 2017

I have 3 vintage SB 220's I can bring to Shelby.  One was rebuilt by 
competent Heath ham who likes to rebuild these, and never put into 
service. One was in regular use until 2005 or so and the other I bought 

One JRC 2000 with tuner in excellent condition.

One THP 1.5 KFX in excellent condition, 1K on 160-10 and around 700 on 6M.

I may also bring a new RF-Kit B26 amp with built in tuner if new FW is 
released and all checks out.

I will be camping at Shelby and can bring any of these if there is 
interest, please e-mail off list if interested.

Tim W4YN         w4yn at ARRL.Net

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