[Amps] Interesting new amplifier

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat May 20 10:21:19 EDT 2017

Date: Sat, 20 May 2017 15:22:03 +0300
From: "Val" <val at vip.bg>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Interesting new amplifier

<Yes, you could, but I wonder whether this would be legal, or just 
<nobody cares.

<The FCC form 740 have to be filled when a HF power amplifier is being 
<imported in the USA. The importer has to declare one of the cases 
<listed below:

1. An equipment authorization has been issued by the FCC

2. An equipment authorization is not required but the equipment 
complies with FCC technical requirements.

3. The described equipment is being imported in limited quantities for 
testing and evaluation for compliance with technical requirements or 
marketing suitability. The equipment will not be offered for sale or 
otherwise marketed.

4. The described equipment is being imported in limited quantities for 
demonstration at industry trade shows and will not be offered for sale 
or otherwise marketed.

5. The described equipment is being imported solely for export. It 
will not be offered for sale or otherwise marketed in the U.S.

6. The described equipment is being imported for use exclusively by 
the U.S. Government

7. Three or fewer radio receivers, computers, or other unintentional 
radiators as defined in Part 15 of the FCC Rules, are being imported 
for an individual's personal use and are not intended for sale.

8. The described equipment in being imported for repair and will not 
be offered for sale or otherwise marketed .

There is no case like this: The equipment does not comply with FCC 
requirements but is imported for an individual use.

73, Val LZ1VB

##  Interesting. So other than the –42 db harmonic suppression, what else is 
required to make an HF amp  meet FCC  technical requirements ? 

##     Number 2 on the list above should pass muster...so should number 3.  

##    Or you could call it  a box of misc electronic parts.  IE:  non functional item. 

##  Or have the amp shipped partially assembled..like missing some items, like the 
LP filter assy, power supply, tubes, etc, etc.  Then ship those items separately..a week
later.  Then assemble into a working amp. 

##  The  german amp at    http://rf-kit.de/en/  comes in kit form.  You just spend a 
day plugging in wiring harness, LP filter assys, etc, etc,  just like a heathkit. with no
or minimal soldering.    It’s a box of parts. 

##  The 11m ops import those  4Z4  SS  kw amps by the thousands with zero issues. 
LP filter?   Who needs one on 11M ?    What are they saying it is ? 

Jim  VE7RF

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