[Amps] Novice heater choke question

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Wed May 24 11:42:29 EDT 2017

As the FCC proposal for this band includes a restriction to 5 watts  
EIRP ... do you think an amp there is within the rules?


Quoting Chris Wilson <chris at chriswilson.tv>:

>   24/05/2017 16:02
> I  want  to  build  a  tube amp for 136kHz (yes, kHz...). I have built
> several  push  pull  quasi  Class  D  push pull FET amps with a centre
> tapped  output transformer. The centre tap is fed from B+ with an iron
> dust toroidal wound choke. It can handle 20 Amps. Can I use a similar
> choke  as  a  filament  choke  for  a  grounded  grid  GS35B amp? I am
> envisaging  running  the  choke  off  a  SMPS  on DC as do quite a few
> builders. Thanks.
> --
>        Best Regards,
>                    Chris Wilson.
> mailto: chris at chriswilson.tv
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