[Amps] THP HP-2.5 Help

William Liporace wc2l at wc2l.com
Sun Dec 30 17:34:09 EST 2018

Hi Folks,
I have a THP that on startup is displaying the message  "PSE STBY 
OPERSW!"  after it gives me the THP/firmware version  message. Doing a 
bit of troubleshooting with a friend, it appears that it is the 
processor or timing PIC. We checked the reference crystal and that was 
dead on..

I am having a couple of major issues.. The biggest is the schematics and 
parts lists that I have been able to find online are NOT matching the 
actual circuitry. I have searched the net... Welcome to be proved wrong!!

One is a PIC 18f452 and I believe is the main processor. I have two, the 
one in the amp and an older one by version number.  The older version 
chip is v1.5a with a newer date code. It does have 081218/REP (guessing 
reproduced). The chip in the amp is v1.5c with a date code 091217. Both 
produce the same result.

The second chip next to the processor actually had a felt or permanent 
marker across it. U9. It is  NOT listed anywhere (parts or schematic). 
The second chip is a 12F683 (8-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS 
Microcontrollers with nano Watt Technology). It may be the real 
culprit... What little reading I have done, it is a timing function 
device. It looks like it is supposed to supply the timing..

So a couple of questions..
Does anyone have one of these amps?
Anyone have the ability to read/program the 12F683 chip??
Any other suggestions would be great!!


William Liporace WC2L
http://www.wc2l.com or http://dxc.wc2l.com
AR-Cluster Node  telnet dxc.wc2l.com or 144.93 MHz
wc2l at wc2l.com

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