[Amps] Looking for service manual

John Randall m0els at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 3 06:15:52 EDT 2018

I have aquired a EIN 350L class A rf amplifer ( analogue meter covering 150Hkz - 105 Mhz ) which I want to use on 470Khz. I am looking for a copy of the service manual for this amplifier if anyone can help. Enquiries to the local dealers have not turned up any reply. The inside is extremely dusty and needs a good clean out ( standing for years ) which I have begun in stages, but am awaiting a high pressure blower off amazon to get to those hard to get places. The amp works using  my WSPRLite tx with an attenuator in series....The amp is made in Rochester N.Y.

ThanksJohn M0ELS

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