[Amps] Plate hardware for Eimac tubes

Russ Williams hrd998cc at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 4 13:48:57 EST 2018

These may be Bristol splined hex type wrenches.  I have run across them in gear over the years.Russ KW6T

      From: Mark Beckwith <r-emails at n5ot.com>
 To: amps at contesting.com 
 Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2018 7:35 AM
 Subject: [Amps] Plate hardware for Eimac tubes
Hi - having some difficulty here swapping tubes around.  Is there a standard 
tool/hardware size for the plate caps and heat sinks on top of the Eimac 
tubes (I'm working with 3-500s and 4-400s this evening trying to get an amp 
working).  It seems like it must be a Torx T5.  Is that right?  Is it 
standard?  Hex keys don't seem to work, and the set screw heads are so small 
I really can't see them well enough to get after it without risking damaging 
tool or part. (Also I don't have a Torx T5 and it just seems like that must 
be it but I don't have one to try).

Help?  Thanks.

73 - Mark N5OT 

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