[Amps] Flex Power Genius XL 2KW amplifier

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sun Oct 7 13:10:00 EDT 2018


I did locate the Finder datasheet on the Newark/Farnell website.  Watch for text wrap:


Note that specified operate/release time is "7/3 ms (12/4 ms sensitive)." It may be a well-made relay and could serve for the amp's antenna output switching function, but for T/R, it would be way down on my list among relay candidates.  

If the Flex amp is specified to work with a 20 ms RF turn-on delay, Flex's spec may be conservative -- or it's comprised of the relay time plus an additional software or hardware transition time.  I suspect these relays would settle in time for fast semi-break-in.  But for my CW QSK operating, 20 ms is almost an eternity!

Paul, W9AC 

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