[Amps] Henry 3KD Classic - 80 Meter tuned Input

gudguyham at aol.com gudguyham at aol.com
Sat Jul 20 09:44:44 EDT 2019

I saw someone selling a full set on QTH the other day in the amp section

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Claerbout <kenk4zw at gmail.com>
To: amps <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sat, Jul 20, 2019 9:33 am
Subject: [Amps] Henry 3KD Classic - 80 Meter tuned Input

I have a Henry 3KD Classic as part of an estate sale I'm looking to
get rid of.  I fired it up this morning and it seems to run fine
except on 80 meters where the transceiver is seeing a high SWR.  Upon
further investigation I discovered the slug in the input coil is
missing.  I wasn't lucky enough to find it rolling around the chassis.

Any suggestions on where to get a replacement, slug or coil unit, or
how to go about repairing this?  I really don't want to put a lot of
time into it if possible.  Or I may sell it as is.

Ken K4ZW
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