[Amps] 3cx800a7 chimeny

Bill Weinel tube.radio at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 14:01:20 EDT 2019

On Friday, June 14, 2019 7:54:16 PM EDT Ted Rachwal wrote:
> Looking for a chimney for a 3CX800A7 tube...RF parts wants a fortune for
> them!  Anyone have an extra around to sell me, need just one?


No sense paying exorbitant prices for stuff you can make yourself cheap. You 
can purchase the material to make your own from McMaster-Carr at 

Here at the items you need:

High-Temperature Silicone Rubber Sheet
4" Wide, 1/8" Thick				2614T45                         $11.96

Loctite Silicone Sealant, 2.7 oz.. Tube, Clear
							7770A27                         $11.79

If you need taller chimneys, you can purchase wider silicon sheeting for a few 
dollars more.

73 Bill W4WHW

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