[Amps] 3cx800a7 chimeny

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Jun 21 06:15:34 EDT 2019

Dow Corning used to make a high temp Silicone RTV (Silastic RTV TM) that 
matched the red in that rubber sheet.  Don't know if it's still available.
At any rate a number of amp companies build chimneys just as listed below.

BTW DC has been absorbed by Dow,

73, Roger (K8RI)

On 6/17/2019 2:01 PM, Bill Weinel wrote:
> On Friday, June 14, 2019 7:54:16 PM EDT Ted Rachwal wrote:
>> Looking for a chimney for a 3CX800A7 tube...RF parts wants a fortune for
>> them!  Anyone have an extra around to sell me, need just one?
> Ted,
> No sense paying exorbitant prices for stuff you can make yourself cheap. You
> can purchase the material to make your own from McMaster-Carr at
> http://www.mcmaster.com
> Here at the items you need:
> High-Temperature Silicone Rubber Sheet
> 4" Wide, 1/8" Thick				2614T45                         $11.96
> Loctite Silicone Sealant, 2.7 oz.. Tube, Clear
> 							7770A27                         $11.79
> If you need taller chimneys, you can purchase wider silicon sheeting for a few
> dollars more.
> 73 Bill W4WHW
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Roger (K8RI)

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