[Amps] GS35B Amps Common Problem / few more comments

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Tue Nov 5 21:34:44 EST 2019

Hello Jim,

I agree - the 8877 - 3CX1500 is a VERY good Ham Radio tube. I have several in service here at K3LR that are 30 years plus years old. 
18 amplifiers here using 8877s that make 1500 watts output RTTY with high TX duty cycle - no problem - all the way to 220 MHz!

The 8877 is an excellent engineered tube for amateur radio - easy to build amplifiers with the 3CX1500A7.

Tim K3LR

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of MU 4CX250B
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 9:12 PM
To: Carl
Cc: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] GS35B Amps Common Problem / few more comments

You may be a bit harsh, Carl!  I’ve lost two 8877s  in the past half
century or so, and it was my fault both times. The first was when I
stupidly let the filament voltage drop way below specs, and the second
was when the blower on my Alpha 9500 failed and I didn’t notice for
two weeks. My workhorse homebrew amp, built in the 1970s, has an Eimac
8877 with a 1978 date code. Still full output, 4300V on the anode.
Jim w8zr

Sent from my iPhone

> The 8877 is a fragile short life wannabee befitting an oxide cathode tube
> Carl
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