[Amps] How to Bypass TR circuitry in Alpha 86

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Feb 13 13:40:52 EST 2020

From: Mark - N5OT <r-emails at n5ot.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] How to Bypass TR circuitry in Alpha 86

<Interesting that QSK was such an end-all goal back in the days before 
<using two radios at the same time, where, overnight, QSK became 
<completely unnecessary.

##  How did  u  pull  that  off  ??    Even if  the  2nd  xcvr/rx  had   its own ant, the  2nd  xcvr/rx   would  have its
front  end burnt  to a crisp.   Back  in  1976, I smoked  the  front  end  of a tube  RX...with  tube  RX fed  to a 75m  vert.
Meanwhile,  coughed   into  Vox  on  1st   radio..with  2  kw pep  into an  inverted  vee ....and  fried  the  front  end  of 2nd rx... in 1-2  secs.
Ants  were  aprx 80  feet  apart.  

##  what  am  I  missing  here ?

Jim   VE7RF 

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