[Amps] Alpha 87A Won't Transmit

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 10:38:08 EDT 2021

I don't know about the new DX Eng. crimp PL259s, but I've had an older
crimp male go intermittent with the braid to metal crimp after a few
years of use.  I'm still soldering but almost all of my 3/8 inch
flexible line is RG213 and indoors used as jumpers and runs to
matching networks.   The intermittent wasn't a full open, but rather
an erratic receive signal loss of 10 to 20 dB that was irritating and
hard to find.  I found it by accident one day.  That crimp connector
jumper is out of here.


On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 8:44 AM MU 4CX250B <4cx250b at miamioh.edu> wrote:
> Thanks, Rob, that’s a very informative link. After years Of arguing
> against crimp connectors, I’ve finally been persuaded to change my
> mind. What did the trick are the “next generation” PL259 connectors
> sold by DX Engineering. I am gradually converting the hundred or so
> PL259 connectors in my station over to this design. The DXE connectors
> are a hybrid design that crimps the coax braid, but retains soldering
> for the center pin connection. Although they require a relatively
> expensive crimping tool, they can be installed in half the time as
> other connectors, and are virtually foolproof.
> 73,
> Jim W8ZR

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