[Amps] PL259 Connector Debate

RCM robrk at nidhog.net
Fri Apr 9 20:29:12 EDT 2021

And from your Harbor Freight tap and die set, Use the 7/16 x 14 die and cut the outer jacket of RG8, 213.

Makes doing the shell a bunch easier.

> On Apr 9, 2021, at 17:17, Jim Garland <4cx250b at miamioh.edu> wrote:
> Hi Tim and the group,
> There are many ways to skin a cat, and I applaud your technical prowess (and patience!)in successfully assembling hundreds of PL259 connectors.
> That said, many of us still struggle to install PL259s that are reliable and trouble-free. Me especially. (I have a bag of unused outer shells from PL259 installs I botched and had to toss.) But I've finally learned my lesson, so here are my current criteria for the "perfect" PL259. Others will have different priorities.

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