[Amps] Message: Water and Electricity
Curt Nixon
radio.ku8l at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 10:47:48 EST 2021
Water washing of electronics is standard procedure in most industrial
electronics shops.
At Tektronix, HP, Military and most large industrial electronics repair
houses. We use dish washing machines or even pressure washers for
cleaning. Ultrasonics in some cases.
The trick is to know what needs to be protected or removed prior and how
to properly dry a unit prior to power up. Any modern surface mount
board was likely washed in original production.
Curt KU8L
On 2/14/2021 12:15 PM, Bill Mader wrote:
> While they didn't use bathtubs, the HF shop across the parking lot from our
> VHF/UHF "and more" shop, they did hose down and let air dry KWM-2
> transceivers and accessories at Incirlik AB Turkey. The gear came from
> remote sites around Turkey without maintainers. The users didn't care
> about how dirty the gear got, only that it worked.
> There was no electricity involved until after gear was thoroughly dry.
> After that, they performed the required periodic maintenance inspections
> (PMI's) to ensure it was ready for future deployment.
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 03:38:03 -0600
> From: Mark - N5OT <r-emails at n5ot.com>
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: [Amps] Water and Electricity
> Message-ID: <3bf59f26-ef36-27f8-fef6-a457f8645237 at n5ot.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Thank you, Kurt.? Brilliant advice/great reminder about dust.? Much
> appreciated.
> I grew up on rumors about how the Henry Radio repair shop would take a
> Collins S-Line in for repair, throw it in the bathtub, and take a hose
> to it.? It always amazes me how "we as a society" somehow automatically
> assume water is bad near "electricity" without knowing more of the details.
> 73, Bill Mader, K8TE
> ARRL New Mexico Section Manager
> *ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio**™*
> Duke City Hamfest Chairman www.dukecityhamfest.org 17-19 Sep 2021
> Secretary and Past President, Albuquerque DX Association
> W6H NM Coordinator, Route 66 On-the-Air 11-19 Sep 2021
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