[Amps] SB-220

Tom Hellem tom.hellem at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 11:30:21 EDT 2021

I, too, am curious as to how it has been determined that more L is needed.
I have another amp, an LK-800C, that acts like it needs more C in the output
network, but maybe the underlying issue is that it needs more L.

Joe, can you weigh in?


On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 8:48 AM Jim <jimw7ry at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Why do you need more L?
> > On what band or bands?
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> > 73
> > Jim W7RY
> > On 3/24/2021 9:46 AM, Joe wrote:
> >> Need advice,
> >>
> >> I am assuming some of you here are also on the Heathkit HF Amps E
> >> -Mail list.
> >> So I won't go into the long drawn out story here unless asked to do
> >> so if needed.
> >>
> >> I re-built this old SB-220 practically from scratch. And changed a
> >> lot of stuff to make it better.
> >> But one change it has been determined, has made it in the Need of
> >> needing more "L" in the output network.
> >>
> >> That of course if even possible would be some major surgery to say
> >> the least. Trying to think of how I can add some more "L".
> >>
> >> At 2 AM last night I had a thought. How about like an old Drake VFO!?
> >> Drakes varied the "L" in their VFO's not the "C" as most others did.
> >> And they varied it by inserting a ferrite bar into the coil.
> >>
> >> Research says that inserting Ferrite into a coil will increase the
> >> amount of "L" the coil has.
> >>
> >> I wonder if I could cheat and do the same on the L7 coil of this amp?
> >> Get some ferrites like on a plastic threaded rod and insert them into
> >> the coil.
> >>
> >> What Mix of Ferrite would be best for such an application?
> >>
> >> And anyone thoughts of possibility of success?
> >>
> >> Joe WB9SBD
> >>
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