[Amps] What to do about 'Neutral' in HB amp?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Dec 28 22:39:03 EST 2022

On 12/28/2022 4:30 PM, Robert W5AJ wrote:
> Please folks - Minimize noise!!

Civil technical discussions are not noise. Like most reflectors to which 
I subscribe, there are some very well-informed guys with serious 
technical chops. As long as we keep an open mind and realize we don't 
know everything, we learn something when they chime in, sometimes to 
correct errors, sometimes to expand or clarify concepts. I turned 81 
this fall, and I'm still learning new stuff. And in the spirit of ham 
radio, I try to share what I think I know. :)

73, Jim K9YC

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