[Amps] DX-100B CW Keying

Victor Rosenthal k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 01:27:22 EST 2022

I think the DX100B is different from the original DX100. But what do you
care? You can measure the voltage, the polarity, and the current with
your VOM. That's all you need to know.

Victor, 4X6GP
Rehovot, Israel
CWops #5
Formerly K2VCO

On 31/12/2021 21:25, Mark - N5OT wrote:
> Hi all, hoping someone on here just knows the answer.  I want to use
my Heathkit DX-100B for Straight Key Night.  Can anyone tell me if the
transmitter uses grid block keying or not?  It measures 35VDC across the
key.  That would not be cathode keying, right?
> The manual is silent on the question.
> Happy new year, 73 - Mark N5OT

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