[Amps] Western Electric

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 23 00:22:49 EDT 2022

Here's the datasheet on the WE300B:


Kim N5OP

On 3/22/2022 9:57 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 3/22/2022 7:44 PM, Kim Elmore wrote:
>> I once heard them derisively described as “audiophools.” I’ve seen 
>> some horrifically expensive audio gear whose specifications are 
>> rather mediocre compared to modern solid state gear. 
> I've used that word myself! Almost 20 years ago, I was walking down 
> the street in Zurich on my way to speak to an AES Chapter meeting (a 
> stopover returning from the convention which had been held in Vienna), 
> and we passed a shop catering to these folks with a monstrous speaker 
> cable with a price tag of more than $1,000 (in Swiss Francs). The 
> cable couldn't have been 20 ft long. I took a photo of it, but managed 
> to lose the camera on the flight back to Chicago.
> When people ask me about stereo gear, I direct them to mainstream 
> stuff of moderate cost, and tell them to use the money they've saved 
> to buy records by Billie Holiday and Lester Young.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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