[Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M - High Power Amplifier Installations

John Lyles jtml at losalamos.com
Tue Sep 13 04:27:06 EDT 2022

For high power systems, I prefer to put an intermediate dummy load with 
a coaxial patch panel to select load or driving the final stage. This is 
done as it is time consuming to have to break loose a 3 inch or 6 inch 
coaxial line to then insert a water cooled load. By selecting the 
permanent mounted load, I can quickly switch over and test the driver 
and tune it up. Its a big dummy load, like a 50 kW Bird or a 200 kW 
Altronic Research water cooled resistor. Every stage is tuned up to 50 
ohms, so that when combined, the various directional couplers indicate 
forward and reflected power and you know which knobs to adjust to get a 
match similar to the dummy load operation.

As discussed by Donald Fox, Joe Subich, and Kim Elmore, the drive power 
has to go somewhere. It goes into a dummy load if you are lucky to have 
that as I discussed, or it can also be driven into the tube of the next 
stage, if the match is good. But one has to be careful of grid current 
excesses. One system I worked with had a water cooled grid (the RCA 7835 
grounded grid triode) so you could send as much there as you wanted 
without concern.

The amplifier input and output tuning controls are very similar to ham 
amplifiers, in a well-designed high power system. Sometimes the 
loading/coupling control is left out, assuming a constant regular 
impedance (not an antenna) but then you are stuck with optimized 
operation at only one power point. Sometimes it is a fixed impedance 
transformer for input matching.

For cathode-driven (grounded grid/screen grid) operation with tetrodes, 
the input impedance of an amplifier is highly dependent on the cathode 
current in the tube. This means the beam must be on, the tube drawing 
idling plate current at least. So various logic is interlocked with the 
coaxial patch panel, so as to allow the pulsing of the grid voltage on 
the final stage, so that it is idling in a pulsed way. Quiescent current 
in the TH628L final tetrode is about 5-10 amps for class AB2 or B. With 
23 Kv DC of plate voltage that is between 100 and 200 kW of plate 
dissipation alone, so one can see why pulsed is much easier for testing.

During normal operation, the bias is pulsed on for the driver and final, 
as well as the solid state predriver (5-20 kW stage). After a few 
microseconds, RF is ramped up to full power and stays there for a 
millisecond. This is a typical pulse for a particle accelerator. Then 
shut back off again, to wait for 7.3 milliseconds until the next pulse.

For continuous operation such as shortwave or the ancient WLW 500 kW, it 
is all dissipating a lot of power so you have to be extremely careful 
when tuning. Also watching for parasitics which can be devastating. In 
the days before having continuous oscilloscopes, it must have been 
challenging, watching the meters for sudden changes.

As for using network analyzers, transmitters were developed using the 
estimated impedances at the plate of the tube, at the grid, just as is 
done now. But there was no easy ways to measure it. Grid dip meters 
crudely showed the frequency of various resonances. Neon bulbs showed 
where the RF voltage was rising in a standing wave. RF detectors with 
diodes work. It took a bit of work, but could be done. We take VNA's for 
granted now, but using them in a high power tube circuit is still not 
trivial as they are 50 ohm instruments, and impedances may go up into 
the K ohm.


John K5PRO

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