[Amps] 10 kw CCS on 6M

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 06:40:05 EDT 2022

You make a DL for the frequency that presents the designed load Z and
can handle the power.  Then you make as sure as possible that
everything SHOULD work according to plan.  Then you work out a kill
switch that will shut down the show if there are any fireworks.  Then
you cross your fingers and fire everything up and see what happens
with your hand on the kill switch.

A lot about megawatts is the same as kilowatts; just different
cooling, and bigger parts, and bigger numbers.

>Don Fox raises a question I’ve wondered about for years: how are these very
>high power amplifiers initially placed in service? Today, we have VNAs we can
>put in the palm of our hand, how is it done now and how was it done when there
>was nothing but vacuum tubes? How adjustable are the PA output circuits? It
>can’t possibly be done the way we tune our puny 1.5 kW amps.


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