[Antennaware] Antennaware Digest, Vol 55, Issue 8

Garry g.drummond at verizon.net
Fri May 23 23:02:30 EDT 2008

Hi Howard,

Feeding this antenna with balanced line such as ladder or window line 
and your tuner should give you a workable antenna if the  tuner can 
accommodate balanced line. If you tuner is unbalanced or can only handle 
coax, you can use a remote balun outside the house and run the shortest 
possible length of coax to it. Use good quality coax as the loss in it 
can be high. This option should keep RF outside the shack as well. 
Research the late W4RNL's website, www.cebik.com as there is a lot of 
good information there on all forms of antennas. Check out his section 
on antenna tuners as well. He gave several good examples on using 
various types of tuners.

Good luck & 73,
Garry - WR4R

> My question is: do you think it would be better to run a configuration as
> say a Windom from the tree to the points on the roof (the points can be
> moved) or just a simple inverted "V" and the angle of the "V" in any case is
> going to be very narrow.  I would be feeding either one via some Rg8x
> approximately 65ft.
> I would like to be able to use the ant from 160m - 6m if possible, I will be
> feeding it via a tuner, and the wire is going to be #26 enameled as it can't
> be seen.
> Comments please.
> 73's Howard W3CQH

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