[Antennaware] Homebrew 9:1 & 16:1 Baluns HELP

Mike Ashby seabassm01 at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 2 16:39:35 PDT 2011

Hello out there!  I need your help with the design of 2 baluns.  I have read and searched and dug up everything I can find on baluns and I am struggling with the understanding of how I physically get from the schematic diagram design to the build of the actual unit.  I can not get my head around converting the diagram into a actual core with coil windings.  Things just don't jive. Example:  In 21st Edition of ARRL Antenna Handbook, p. 26-16, Fig. 22 Shows a schematic for a "Four winding, broadband, variable impedance transformer."  I think I understand the drawing but I am sure I am missing something.  I know I do not understand the numbering of points in Fig. 22.    Fig. 23 Shows a picture of the same thing actually built and then states:  "There are 10 quadrifilar turns of #14 enameled wire on a Q1, 2.5" OD ferrite core."  I think I understand the words in the statement, BUT I can not get a "10 turn winding" from the Fig.22 diagram.  I just can't see how you get fron Fig. 22 to Fig. 23.  All I want to do is build 1 each 9:1 (50 to 450 ohm balun) and 1 each 16:1 (50 to 800 ohm balun).  Any coaches out there?  Need your help.

Thanks very much

Mike                       seabassm01 at hotmail.com

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