[Antennaware] modeling vs. real world?

StellarCAT rxdesign at ssvecnet.com
Sat Jun 6 17:03:30 EDT 2015

Hello all...

My name is Gary... call K9RX. 

I’m modeling a 6 element 15 meter beam and wonder how close the model is to real world performance? Has anyone on here modeled, then built and range tested a model to confirm the model was accurate? Or if, after having done this, found it to not be accurate then have a ‘plan’ on how to correct it to be accurate? A 45’ boom 100#+ antenna isn’t something I’d want to take up and down multiple times nor would I want to mess with trying to confirm say the FB (the SWR of course is much easier) ... I’d not be looking to get exact results – more rough magnitude and most importantly the curve itself in relation to the frequency. 

also I’m now trying to figure out how to account for the balun leads (it will be a hairpin) ... any suggestions would be appreciated. Write direct to not clutter the group... 

finally when I model the hairpin from the typical ~22 ohms Rra as a load I get an inductance required of around 0.31 uH. I get that using both EZNEC6+ and YW. When I then try to calculate the length of the hairpin I come up with ~ 10”... and YW comes up with the same value. But the original antenna this started as has a hairpin (same spacing/dia) of 20”! I’m trying to figure out which one is right. Thoughts?

I have this model if any one is interested in it. Its been optimized to stack very well. I’ve taken into account the swagged elements as well as the clamps. 


K9RX at ARRL dot net

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