[Antennaware] Version 6 EZNEC

Guy Olinger K2AV k2av.guy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 10:44:38 EDT 2015

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Gary Myers <garymyers at powerc.net> wrote:

> I posted a note - last week I believe, here... still zero replies! Does
> that not bode well for the use of these tools? That they're mostly used for
> academics and not to provide real solutions? Seems as such. Posted here and
> on the EZNEC Yahoo group and other than 1 reply I've not heard a word.

Hardly so.

Your question is ultimately very general, philosophical, and at the heart
of modeling before constructing. Modeling as the ultimate answer is not a
common opinion. Modeling just allows you to throw out the ridiculous and a
lot of the fringe before one starts on the utterly necessary cycle of
physical construction, erection, feed Z and pattern check, recycle, do it
again. The severe vagaries of modeling effects of certain kinds of ground
continue to defeat certain categories of antenna design.

Modeling only rarely renders publishable, construction-ready designs
without the labor intensive beta test cycle of physical design measurement.

The other thing is that when one subscribes to a reflector, one does not
sign a contract that one will answer all posts. Reply is absolutely,
entirely, 100% voluntary. Silence can mean a lot of different things. Hard
to know.

73, Guy

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