[CCF] Vl: [CQ-Contest] SAC -- Signal comparison and comments

Timo Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:05:12 +0300

----- Alkuperäinen viesti ----- 
Lähettäjä: JORGE DIEZ - CX6VM <cx6vm@adinet.com.uy>
Vastaanottaja: <ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi>
Kopio: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Lähetetty: 18. syyskuuta 2000 20:18
Aihe: [CQ-Contest] SAC -- Signal comparison and comments

> Hi Ari and others:
>     great fun on last CW SAC.
>     Was ny first entry on that contest and really I enjoyed it very =
> much.
>     There was a lot of activity from Scandinavian as well from others =
> parts of the world.
>     The best point was to work some stations on 40 mts. some with very =
> loud signals.
>     Was a pitty not to have a 80 mts antenna, so excuse me the friends =
> that asked me to move to this band.
> 16 sept 2000
>     1203z    first contact with LA8AJA on 10 meters
>     1246z    wked OH1MA - big signal, later I worked him on 10 trought =
> 40, sri not 80!!
>     1300z    condx on 10 going down so qsy to 15 meters. First contact =
> with OH5NQ..... but we didn=B4t worked on 10 so after a qsy              =
>    to  10 I returned to 15 mts to have a nice run.
>     1333z    who is this s9 + 20 calling me?????   Wow...  OH9W   very =
> strong into Uruguay.
>     1408z    worked OH1F witha very strong signal also. He asked to QSY  =
> ten, so a quicky qsy to worked him without amp.   not                 =
> problems...
>     1846z    Go to 20 mts to check condx...... only 3 more contacts: =
> SL0W, SK6M, SK3W.  =20
>     1853z    SK3W asked to qsy to 15 mts.  go and contact him..... then =
> qsy to ten...... nice!!!!!  3 bands on 3 minutes.
>     2009z    Worked OH8L on 20 mts.  not QSY to others band. I think he =
> was monoband. I heard him all the contest with big signal                =
>  on 20.
>     2125z    Go to 40 mts. to check condx.  The big signal I heard at =
> this time was OH1X, s9 +10.  I called him without amp and no             =
>     response. After 3 or 4 times he heard me and I had my first 40 mts. =
> contact.
>     2130z    Very hard to work on 40 with 100 watts, so I tune up the =
> amp....   sorry neighboards........
>     2133z    Now is easier..... Worken some SAC, OH1MM, SL0W, OH1F (very =
> strong) and OH2BH.
>     2224z    Worked OH0PM (also very strong s9+15)  and a qsy to 20 that =
> we both need the mult.
>     2228z    OH2U  also on 40 mts very strong!!!
> 17 sept 2000
>     0213z    Worked OH9W on 40 as a dupe  sorry firned but  I am not =
> familiar with the software. we had the first QSO=B4s on 40 at            =
>              0159z.
>     1125z    Worked OH1MA and OH1MM on 20 mts for sum QSO=B4s on 20.
>     1158z    Worked OH9W as my final QSO for a new mult and another =
> station I worked on the 4 bands.
> *    Thanks to everyone for the nice time I have during the contest   =20
> *    Better condx during the morning long path. =20
> *    Why not OJ0 ???
> Thanks to all
>                 Jorge
>                 CX6VM=20
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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