Pasi.Alanko@kemira.com Pasi.Alanko@kemira.com
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 20:28:06 +0200

Olipas "raskas" keli huonoin tunti 12 qso, mutta vastaavasti paras 151qso.
Noin 30 onnistunutta kerroin siirtoa.
JA qsot (80-10) 0+18+71+85+1=175
K    qsot(80-10) 1+51+17+17+0=  86 (auroora teki tehtävänsä)
73 Pasi

                      SCANDINAVIAN ACTIVITY CONTEST  2000 CW

      Call: OH1MM                    Country:  Finland
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator All Band

      BAND     QSO    QSO PTS      MULTS

      160        0        0           0
       80      206      439          40
       40      348      821          52
       20      524     1213          64
       15      329      819          55
       10       66      153          31

     Totals   1473     3445    x    242  =   833690

All reports sent were 599+Serial Number

Equipment Description:
FT-1000MP+AL1500  1000W
FT-1000MP+MLA2500 1000W
WIRES 80M, 3EL+DIPOLE 40M, 4/4+3EL 20M, 4/4+4EL 15M, 5EL 10M.

Club Affiliation: Contest club Finland

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               PASI ALANKO  OH1MM
               NASIANTIE 20 AS 2
               28660 PORI

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ccffaq.html
Submissions:              ccf@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ccf-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ccf@contesting.com