[CCF] SAC CW OH1F Multi-single

Timo Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:53:41 +0300

Preliminary score:

>                            SAC -- 2000
>       Call:      OH1F
>       Category:  Multi Single
>       Power:     High Power
>       Band:      All Band
>       Mode:      CW 
>       Country:   Finland
>    80 CW        234      40
>    40 CW        397      57
>    20 CW        494      69
>    15 CW        396      63
>    10 CW         66      36
>    ---------------------------------
>  Total CW      1587     265    3664
>  Total         3664*265 = 970960

Ops: Timo OH1NOA & Timo OH1MDR

FT1000MP, TS850SAT + 2xPA
Ant: 80m GP, inv V - 40m 3el, dipole - 20m 4/4el, 4el - 15m 4/4el, 4el - 10m 6el + TH3

OH1MDR arrived to the site only 10 minutes before 1200z. He came from funeral, dressed in black - that I call a cool contest dressing! Unfortunately our 2 PC network was not functional, so the first hour went by MDR setting up/changing another PC and NOA doing single op/single band 15 meters ... Fortunately pileup was quite good that time! Then we found out that K1EA's latest version 9.50 sends serial numbers by bands not like a running number of total qsos - in the DXpedition mode which we used. Later we changed to the old 9.37 version which sent numbers correctly ... we worked K1EA during the contest, fortunately (to Ken) it was CW not SSB contest ...

DX propagation was really bad. Only a handful of US stations worked on 80-15m - nothing heard from NA on 10 meters. On 80m we worked K5ZD and W1FJ (who was real 599) + PY2YU, 9X1A, JY9NX. 
On 10m only one weak JA: JG1ILF. Maybe band was better to JA from the east.
But, oh boy, it was a looooong night: 02-06z qso rates: 24, 21, 15, 24, 29 ...

We had a very aggressive tactic of moving multipliers. It is a real must in SAC nowadays. I remember when I started in the 80's everyone just shouted CQ during the SAC and not moving to anywhere for mults, hi! 
In the multi-single class a 10-minute-rule limits sometimes comparing to SOAB - many times you "can do it" only with 2 bands with a multiplier. Unfortunately this year our 265 mults seem not to be enough to beat 8-men-giant in Paksalo ... =) 
or =(

73, Timo OH1NOA

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