[CCF] SAC CW 2000

Mika Kauranen mika.kauranen@oulu.fi
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 14:59:23 +0300

Heikosti meni minullakin kuten muillakin. Lukekaa tuo soapbox. A indeksi
taisi olla huomattavasti enemmän mitä ilmoittelin soapboxissa.

                                SAC SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 16-Sep-00, 17-Sep-00

    Callsign Used : OH8LAE
        Operator : MIKA KAURANEN, OH8LAE

         Category : SOABHP

 Default Exchange : 5NN + QSO NUMBER

             Name : Mika Kauranen
          Address : Sortavalantie 20
   City/State/Zip : 91910 Tupos
          Country : Finland

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   

   80CW       90          89        184        23 
   40CW      253         253        535        40 
   20CW      418         417        935        54 
   15CW      302         299        731        50 
   10CW       43          43         97        16 

 Totals     1106        1101       2482       183 

    Final Score = 454206 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Worst condx than ever in SAC CW. The beginning at saturday was a bit
promising but when the night came with the A index 28 and the AURORA I knew
that no chance from my QTH. Even the normal night opening to USA on 20 m was
almost completely wiped away and that cost some hundred qsos. I did also a
thing that should never be done at 24 h contest: I went to sleap for an hour
when the qso rate fell around 10/h. No good USA opening on 15 m either at
saturday evening. 
10 m was open wery briefly and the best dx there was VR2BG, not a single JA.
It was completely blocked to west and at sunday it went blocked even to EU. 
80 and 40 m suffered a lot from the AURORA and they were well open only to EU.
80 m was so disturbed that it was wery hard to copy weak stations. 
Hope next year the Lady will stay away at this weekend.

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations established
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards

 Date __18.9.00   Signed __________Mika Kauranen_____  Call __OH8LAE_

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