[CCF] Vl: WW

Martti Laine martti.laine@kolumbus.fi
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 21:55:27 +0200

Tutuilta leveysasteilta......aika komaa kamaa siellakin.

>Here is KL7RA's report (I guess I am now re-certified for Frozen North
>>                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB
>>Call: KL7RA
>>Operator(s): KL7RA & K7JA, K5ZO, N1TX, W5GN, AL7AF, AL7MU, KL7AC, 
>>Station: KL7RA
>>Class: M/M HP
>>QTH: Alaska
>>Operating Time (hrs): 48
>> Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
>>  160:      3      3      3
>>   80:     52      9      6
>>   40:    644     65     26
>>   20:   1659    142     38
>>   15:   4100    164     39
>>   10:   3686    147     38
>>Total:  10144    530    150  =  17,031,280
>>WOW!! A little over 30 hours of propagation for us, almost 8 hours more
>>then last year, made this one fun. The irony, of course, is you work 
>>harder for 10 Q's a hour then 250+. Everyone in the group had a chance 
>>to work the big runs and mults were easy to "pop". Twenty never really 
>>opened well and we had very few "good" hours on 40. 80/160 was a total 
>>bust. Want to thank Lloyd, K5ZO, who helped build this station, for 
>>coming up for the last Multi-Multi. Arctic propagation doesn't support 
>>these efforts much past this time. Barry, W5GN, from warm Texas, braved
>>the -25C temps and wolves for a third run and has been totally 
>>assimilated into this Alaskan group even though he comes from such a 
>>tiny state. Special guest star was Chip, K7JA, who is as good as 
>>everyone says he is, probably better, and made the rest of us look 
>>completely imcompetent. Chip can go anywhere in the world to operate 
>>and I thank him for picking our station. He knew the aurora risk but 
>>came anyway. Thanks Chip.
>>73 Rich KL7R

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