[CCF] Henskelit paukkuu!
Välimäki Juha
juha.valimaki at teliasonera.com
Tue Nov 4 17:09:07 EST 2003
postinkantaja toi harvinaista herkkua... Sanoisin että henskelit paukkuu hetken aikaa. Ainakin niin kauan kuin paljastuu että Paksalo (oh7rr) ja Mr. Ojala (oh8l) käyttivät reilun woiton taktiikkaa 20m singlessä cq ww phonella.
Sanoisin että kerrankin asiantunteva kommentti :) :) ;) hi
Juha, OH9MM (OH4A)
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Hello Juha!!
It was a tremendous thrill to work you in the contest! I had been calling
several strong European stations over the last hour before you heard my QRP
sig. You were the ONLY European station that was able to hear my QRP sigs
in the entire contest!! I never worked Zone 14 or Zone 16.
So, many thanks for the double multiplier! You have excellent ears!
I will probably op from home in CQ WW CW using my club call W6QU. I will
probably operate 40 M QRP. Hope to CU then.
73 and good luck at VP5X !
...Bill W8QZA, KH6WW
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