[CCF] SAC proposals for 2007 and beyond

Ilkka Korpela Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Fri Sep 29 05:59:46 EDT 2006

Hi all

 A lively discussion about possible changes in the rules
of SAC contest has followed the event and some triggering

  SRAL and therefore CCF will organize SAC in 2007. It seems
that the "temporal collision" with the CQ WW RTTY contest is
harmimg both events.

  We (active CCF members) have talked about very prelimenary plans of 
suggesting minor rule changes to SAC that would then, in case of 
agreement, be realized in the SAC of 2007 that is organized in OH.

  The idea is that SRAL/CCF, in cooperation with the organizing
leagues, would present from 2-3 rule change scenarios that would
be decided by the members of the Nordic leagues. Ideally the 
implementation would be as follows

  1) We (league representatives) agree upon this arrangement
  2) The rule change scenarios (options) are published in
     the magazines of the organizing leagues (November)
  3) League members can vote for one, electronic voting (December),
  4) One scenario will win and be tested in SAC 2007 

  The scanarios will include at least the option "Nothing is changed 
  in the rules" and "Phone contest weekend is moved to another less
  crowded weekend in September-October". 

  At this point we feel that anything of a more major change is out
  of "our jurisdiction" or would call for very careful planning. Some
  of us like SAC just as it is and some like to turn SAC towards
  DX type of contest, of which there is an abundance of alternatives
  to choose from. There are very few of SAC-type contests alive anymore.
  This is why there is something special about SAC. Our 49-year old Lady
  of Contests deserves an august treatment.

  I hope that this e-mail would again trigger a pertinent discussion.

  CCF-founding member, Editor-in-chief of PileUP!


Ilkka Korpela

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