[CCF] Where are all OH1, OH6 and OH9 ???

Klimoff Timo Timo.Klimoff at te-keskus.fi
Fri Sep 19 01:17:34 EDT 2008

> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> Lähettäjä: ccf-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:ccf-bounces at contesting.com]Puolesta Mats Strandberg
> Lähetetty: 19. syyskuuta 2008 7:41
> Vastaanottaja: ccf at contesting.com
> Kopio: toec at contesting.com
> Aihe: [CCF] Where are all OH1, OH6 and OH9 ???
> Hello all Finnish SAC friends!
> Finally, just one more night to sleep until the 50 YEARS SAC JUBILEE
> PARTY!!!
> I just noticed that the list for announced activities is growing and
> growing...
> However, where are all the OH1, OH6 and OH9???   5 x 3 = 15 extremely
> important multipliers...

Sorry Mats,

our team moved to OH5 for SAC!

73, Timo OH1NOA op @OG50F
One of OH1F gang

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