[CCF] Scandinavian Activity Contest 2009 Homepage activated

Tomi Ylinen tomi.ylinen at luukku.com
Mon Aug 24 02:00:17 PDT 2009

Timo varmaan välittää keräämänsä OH-efortit heitille myös?

t T

Mats Strandberg kirjoitti 24.08.2009 kello 11:47:
> Hello all Finnish Radiosport Friends!
> We have the pleasure to inform you that the Scandinavian Activity
>  Contest
> 2009 Homepage has been activated. Please have a look at :
> http://www.qrq.se/sac/
> A list for Announced Operations has been established and it would be
>  great
> to have as many OH stations listed on the following address:
> http://qrq.se/sac/english/announce-your-sac-operations/
> Already registered stations can be found on:
> http://qrq.se/sac/english/announce-your-sac-operations/sac-2009-announced-op
> erations/
> This year, NRRL is organizing the SAC Contest and we are looking
>  forward to
> a big Nordic participation in SAC 2009!
> The results of the marketing activities prior to the 50th
>  Anniversary of SAC
> (2008) were quite exciting when looking at the statistics.
> The amount of foreign participants in the CW section increased by
>  60% (from
> 506 to 810 participants compared to the year before). The effort
>  also paid
> off for the SSB-section with an increase from 368 to 497 participants
> (+35%). The smaller increase because of CQ WW RTTY Contest the same
>  weekend.
> These increases shows to me that there definitely is an effect to
>  make PR
> for our SAC Contest, and also that this Marketing would have a
>  better chance
> to be successful if we all quickly can agree to form a joint Nordic SAC
> Contest Committee!
> The results for SAC 2008 can be found on:
> http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/res/r08saccs.htm
> The paper awards from SSA have all been printed and will reach the large
> majority of winners before the start of the 2009 contest. We have also
> released a page where the Anniversary Awards can be downloaded for
>  those who
> qualified for them: http://www.qrq.se/sac/awards/
> Plaques will be ordered by SSA soon, both for 2008 and those other years
> when SSA unfortunately so far has failed to send plaques. We have a
>  dialogue
> with NRRL with an offer for them to purchase plaques for the years
>  they also
> have been unable to send plaques. We also hope if necessary that
>  SRAL will
> contact us with possible wishes for joint production for plaques
>  that SRAL
> have failed to deliver (2007 and 2003 if I am not mistaken). EDR
>  (Danmark)
> is the golden exception from the group SM, LA and OH. They have no
>  backlog
> of plaques and awards.
> *
> *We hope for another successful edition (the 51st) of SAC and hope
>  for many
> Finnish registrations in the Announced Operations list!
> 73 de R3/SM6LRR
> (I plan to work as R3/SM6LRR in the CW sdection and as 7S2W (SM2EKM
>  station)
> in the SSB section)
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