[CCF] LA5IIA: Amps for sale?

OH2BBM Helsinki Finlandia hp1ww.oh0xx at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 10:12:39 PDT 2009

73, Olli OH2BBM

-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Johansen [mailto:jjohansen at unicef.org] 
Sent: lunes, 06 de julio de 2009 17:52
Subject: Amps for sale?

Ham colleagues,

Just a shot in the blind - I have been looking for a used ACOM 2000A or
Alpha 87A for some time to add to my station in Norway. Does anyone by
chance know anyone who might have one for sale? And/or any on-line market I
still haven't been able to investigate?

I see them popping up now and then on ebay and qrz.com, but they are far
and few between and they go quickly.

Any tips are highly appreciated!

73 de Johnny   NQ2G / LA5IIA

Johnny Johansen
Telecommunication Specialist, Operations Section
Division of IT Solutions & Services (ITSS)
UNICEF House, Room 354, 3 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017

Phone: +1 212 326 7528
Fax: +1 212 303 7900
Email: jjohansen at unicef.org
Web: http://www.unicef.org

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