[CCF] [TOEC] Copy of open letter to SM5MEK

oh6rx at netti.fi oh6rx at netti.fi
Mon Jun 1 13:58:10 PDT 2009

GE Mats,

many issues, many answers - all correct, i believe or doubt,
doesnt really matter.

I think Nordic RA's are missing most common thing - team work
and willingness to do it. It is seen also on national activity level.
We want to get it all NOW! - without personal time investment.

Very important thing - where everything starts is trust -  to your mates.

I think we need group of people, who are able to wake up sleeping contest enthusiasm.
This group major task is to return activity of each country contest manager
intress back to SAC - without this, we can cry and shout thru on these reflectors.

At least one out of the four is willing to appreciate majority wish and vision :)

Personally i would like to keep alive that tradional SAC, where i have worked my
first international contest qsos - without changing it too much, or too drastically, 
but on the name of the development and majority high hopes, im willing push
my personal thoughts behind the Scandinavian's (majority) goals.

One man doenst win this challenge - we need good team and Leader!


Mats Strandberg [sm6lrr at gmail.com] kirjoitti: 
> Hello J-P !
> I am glad to hear that you would be available for a post in a possible
> future SAC Work Group. Regardless if we call it like this, or a more formal
> name like SAC Contest Committee, the important thing is that we at least
> acknowledge the interest from the Nordic Radiosport Community to make a
> change.
> Needless to say, we need to proceed the right way, and I guess it is just to
> start again formulating the same kind of letter that was presented
> informally during the NRAU meeting last year.
> This perhaps somewhat frustrated attempt to get things going would not have
> to take place in case:
> 1. The Nordic HF Contest Managers were PRO-ACTIVE and comminicated between
> each other.
> 2. If they already themselves had admitted that huge problems has occurred
> in SAC organisation during the last 10 years.
> 3. If NRAU during their rare meetings had agreed that a SAC Contest
> Committee would be the best thing for SAC to remain vital and to have a
> chance to develop with modern technology in order to be more customer
> oriented and efficient.
> The situation is now that we lack a stable and efficient group of Nordic HF
> Contest Managers who CO-OPERATE and COMMUNICATE; let us face that and
> realize that this is a problem...
> Either we try to make these managers to realize that they have a common
> responsibility to maintain and develop a good Radiosport organization not
> only in their own countries, but also more important in the Nordic countries
> as a unit. This simply because we have a COMMON responsibility - The
> Scandinavian Activity Contest.
> I personally do not think that I have to make a nother letter in order to
> convince the Nordic Contest Managers to realize that a majority of Nordic
> contesters want an independent SAC Contest Committee.
> It is the work of our Contest Managers to start talking to each other and to
> listen with the ear to the ground they are walking on. It is THEIR task to
> compose this letter and to sign it and deliver it to NRAU and back to the
> source where it came from. This request is not any news to them... They are
> all informed and unfortunately extremely quiet about it.
> The HF Contest Managers perhaps do not need to be active themselves in every
> single contest, but I must openly admit that the silence and non-activity in
> the existing national and Nordic Radiosport forums from some of their side
> is amazingly low. This is NOT a good sign for Nordic Contest community.
> I ask for more activity in public from their side, and better activity and
> understanding to listen to the grassroot level of Radiosport.
> Where are you guys and girls?  Make yourself visible and active so we feel
> that we have a counterpart to talk to and propose new ideas and suggestions
> for improvement that will serve all the Nordic Contest Community.
> With all respect to work in the silence, but to be a LEADER means also to be
> pro-active and to communicate (and answer emails). I have seen a lot of bad
> example regarding the later in my last years of trying to promote SAC and
> Radiosport as such...
> 73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats
> 2009/5/30 Jan Erik Holm <sm2ekm at telia.com>
> > A committee could be a good thing however I think the NRAU still
> > should play a big role, this to ensure continuity. The committee
> > should be like an "umbrella organization" under the NRAU.
> > The process OH6RX lines up below IMO would be the right way
> > to go.
> >
> > 73 Jim SM2EKM
> > --------------------------
> > oh6rx at netti.fi wrote:
> > > Mats & Co,
> > >
> > > last december we did this SAC survey, and 68% of contesters
> > > were giving votes for independent committee.
> > >
> > > Towards NRAU, this work need to be done the way, that all
> > > present contest managers are involved, to received authorization
> > > from all member countries.
> > >
> > > If im going to be in New CCF board 09-11, i can be volunteer to be
> > > OH/CCF -member on this SAC work-group. You need each contest
> > > manager nominated member to this work group.
> > >
> > > Outcome should be suggestion of this new way of handling SAC,
> > > and it has to be approved by each responsible contest manager from
> > > each member country.
> > >
> > > Also very important issue is, that this new approach will be represented
> > > official way to coming NRAU meeting agenda - as you might have
> > experience.
> > >
> > >
> > > So, we Finns, we have realised same improvement action points, but
> > > before implemention, it is important to act according to protocols,
> > > otherwise there is no result.
> > >
> > >
> > > You will find my mobile phone number from e.g. Janne's web-pages.
> > >
> > > 73
> > > J-P
> > >
> >
> >
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