[CCF] IARU HF-kisaan liittyvää. Siis jalopuuta seinälle.

Janne Karresuo janne.karresuo at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 01:35:11 PDT 2010

Tällaanen asia näemmä sitten varmistui...

Poimittu suoraan 9A5K:n viestistä.

73´ Janne, OH6LBW

Hello everyone.
 In order to promote IARU HF Championship contest and to increase HQ
stations activity
and make this contest more interesting, ARABiH (E7HQ), HRS (9A0HQ) and OVSV
teams agreed to sponsor some new plaques in three different categories on
behalf of IARU
Region 1.

This will be special HQ sprint plaques for following stations:

1. Station who will make most QSOs with HQ stations in first hour of the
2. Station who will make most QSOs with HQ stations in first 12h of the
3. Station who will make most QSOs with HQ stations in the contest

In the case that two or more stations have same number of QSOs with HQ
the winner is one which will make last qso with HQ earlier.

Of course, HQ stations are not eligible to win this award.
The number of QSOs will be determined from HQ logs after deadline and
winners will
be announced as soon as possible.

Good luck in IARU HF Championship 2010!

Kresimir - 9A5K
IARU R1 Contest Manager
HRS Vice-president / HF manager

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